Podcast is LIVE! With Ultra Runner & RMF Coach Fintan O' Malley


Welcome to the Demand More Of Yourself Podcast.

Russ Meadows interviews Ultra Runner and RM Fitness Coach Fintan O’Malley.

Fintan was incredibly honest and revealed some great tips and insights for anyone wanting to better their life physically or mentally.

He has not always been the fitness machine you may see him as now..quite the opposite.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Fintan’s struggles in the past as a smoker, boozer and how he used to go out and party.

  • What the trigger for massive lifestyle change was in 2016 & how he found RM Fitness

  • His journey from unfit, overweight busy office manager to strong, fit, lean and jacked (some great tips here for others looking to do the same)

  • The struggles along this journey

  • His career change, from office manager to Personal Trainer (what he did at his interview with us was a shock!)

  • Why New Years Resolutions are not a waste of time

  • The 5 big challenges Fintan set himself over the last few years…learning to swim after nearly drowning at one of our biannual ‘Born Survivor’ (10km Obstacle/ mud race) is one of these

  • His switch to running Ultra Marathons

  • Finally, we ask him ‘What does DEMAND MORE OF YOURSELF’ really mean to you?

Enjoy the episode,

Team RMF

P.S - check out some of Fintan’s action pics below too.



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